

  • Кронике злочина (1996)

    'Кронике злочина' (Форенсиц Филес) је амерички документарац приказан у облику серије која открива како се злочини, мистериозне несреќе или епидемије болести...
  • Cold Case Files (1999)

    Unsolved crimes locked away in dusty file cabinets. Time is an ineffectual balm. Painful memories are left to a victim's loved ones. What happens when a killer...
  • Autopsie - Mysteriöse Todesfälle (2001)

    A documentary about murders and their investigations that mainly happened in the USA and Canada. Most of the crimes are well known because of their complexety in...
  • Fear City: New York vs the Mafia (2020)

    Five Mafia families ruled New York with a bloody fist in the 1970s and '80s, until a group of federal agents tried the unthinkable: taking them down.
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