

Will (2017)

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рејтинг: 6.8/10

Tells the wild story of young William Shakespeare's arrival onto the punk-rock theater scene in 16th century London - the seductive, violent world where his raw talent faced rioting audiences, religious fanatics and raucous side-shows. It's described as a contemporary version of Shakespeare's life, played to a modern soundtrack that exposes all his recklessness, lustful temptations and brilliance. Attracted to Will's naive genius is Alice Burbage, the talented, beautiful and rebellious daughter of James Burbage, the carpenter with a vision to build the first theater in London since Roman times. Despite being the daughter of an impresario, Alice is forbidden by society from pursuing a career in the theater. Her brother Richard Burbage, is innately talented, but too much in love with himself and prone to overact. A chance encounter at the theater leads him to team up with Will in what would soon become the greatest actor-writer partnership the world has ever seen. Rounding out Will's ...

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