
Since the little Kingdom of Lichterwalde is not well-ordered, the Queen (Margarita Broich) tries to convince her son Augustin (Emilio Sakraya) that he has to take a wealthy lady to wife. The handsome prince, who only wants to enjoy his free life, decides that it should then be none other than the daughter of the Emperor. Without further ado, he leaves the kingdom to win the heart of the beautiful Victoria (Jeanne Goursaud). After she lets him down first, he takes on a position as swineherd at the imperial court and tries to change her mind with all sorts of funny ideas and a lot of charm. While the two approach, the Emperor is trying to arrange a marriage between his daughter and Prince Ferdinand (Max Schimmelpfennig).


Der SchweinehirtDer SchweinehirtDer SchweinehirtDer SchweinehirtDer SchweinehirtDer Schweinehirt


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