
On a Lower Saxony petty farm, the aging cat, dog, rooster and donkey see their hope of a happy old day smashes overhearing the spineless farmer Georg's second wife Martha say they need to marry off her stepdaughter Lisa to wealthier farmer Hans Sittler and kill off the over date animals. So they run for their loves, with a vague plan to become city musicians in Bremen. Lisa also flees thither, being in love with farmhand Johann, unaware Martha signed him up for a ship sailing from that very port. The three parties deal with hardships on the road, including a band of robbers, but gradually team up and devise a grand plan.


Die Bremer StadtmusikantenDie Bremer StadtmusikantenDie Bremer StadtmusikantenDie Bremer StadtmusikantenDie Bremer StadtmusikantenDie Bremer StadtmusikantenDie Bremer Stadtmusikanten


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