рејтинг: 6.3/10
Оценка на корисникот: 1/10


German North Sea beach fisherman Hein always was happy with his wife Islebill, despite their modest life and poor dwelling. When he spares a rod-caught speaking flounder's life, the grateful enchanted prince promises to grant his wish. Hearing this, Ilsebill urges him to ask for a decent house, which is granted instantly. While Hein generously shares their newfound wealth with neighbor Klaas's penniless family, his wife keeps getting jealous of people in higher stations, urging him against growing reluctance to ask the flounder to be be promoted country squire, king, eventually pope. But as Hein feared, she only transforms into a haughty, unhappy butch abusing even her 'mere husband', and each transformation takes a hefty toll on the marine environment, which ends up inhospitable, causing coast-dwellers to flee.


From the Fisherman and His Wife


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