
Dream House Nightmare

Mother of the Year (2017)

Режисер: Jose Montesinos

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 4.5/10


Based on a true story. A couple finally buys their dream house in an upwardly mobile suburb of New Orleans. Unfortunately, they have outbid Madison, the mother of a special-needs daughter, who believes the home is answer to her family's troubles.
A woman, once featured as Mother of the Year, is obsessed with owning a new-build house which she imagines will be a cure-all for her dysfunctional family of redneck husband and simple, epileptic daughter. When a doctor and his pregnant wife purchase the property, she employs increasingly dangerous ploys to terrorise the couple into moving out.


Dream House NightmareDream House NightmareDream House NightmareDream House NightmareDream House Nightmare


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