
King's Faith

King's Faith (2013)

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Режисер: Nicholas DiBella

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.2/10


While incarcerated for multiple crimes, juvenile offender Brendan King turned Christian. Now entering into his eighteenth foster family and a new high school, he hopes his newfound faith will hold, but a significantly disreputable past threatens to drag him back. At the fore, the intimidating local sheriff won't overlook his long rap sheet, and the high school football hero threatens to get nasty over losing his prom queen girlfriend to the likes of him, but serious menace arrives when Brendan's former gang mates, seeking a large stash of heroin hidden by Brendan's former best bud (now dead), hound him and his new close ties for it, bringing Brendan to a crucible of faith that he could lose.


King's Faith


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