
When looking for alternative energy sources, the Japanese scientist Sekai tragically dies. Twenty years later the Brazilian mathematician Euclides continues his research. The lack of an essential component won't allow a breakthrough. Only AUN, Sekai's son, seems to hold the key to protect mankind from self-destruction. In the aftermath of the nuclear tragedy in Fukushima the film appears like a prophecy. AUN's dream-like images, complemented by music from Christian Fennesz and Ryuichi Sakamoto, lead into a fantastic and exciting world, full of brightness and darkness of life.


AUN: The Beginning and the End of All ThingsAUN: The Beginning and the End of All ThingsAUN: The Beginning and the End of All ThingsAUN: The Beginning and the End of All ThingsAUN: The Beginning and the End of All ThingsAUN: The Beginning and the End of All ThingsAUN: The Beginning and the End of All ThingsAUN: The Beginning and the End of All ThingsAUN: The Beginning and the End of All ThingsAUN: The Beginning and the End of All ThingsAUN: The Beginning and the End of All ThingsAUN: The Beginning and the End of All Things


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