
The Legend of the Palme D'Or

La légende de la palme d'or (2015)

Документарец | Швајцарија
Режисер: Alexis Veller

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.8/10


From Martin Scorsese to Jane Campion, from Emir Kusturica to Steven Soderbergh, some of the greatest winners of this award bring back to life for us the special moments surrounding the awarding ceremony of the Palme d'Or. This documentary also retraces the different stages of the manufacturing process of this mythical trophy, from the fair trade gold mines of Colombia up to the red carpet of the Palace of the Cannes Film Festival.


The Legend of the Palme D'Or


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