рејтинг: 6.2/10
Оценка на корисникот: 7/10
(3 гласови)


What child has never dreamed of having a twin, someone who looks like him like 2 drops of water and who excels in all areas, especially at school? Thanks to the discovery of a magic mirror, this dream becomes reality for the two best friends Frido and Emil. Their doubles are absolutely perfect - well almost. The 2 friends quickly lose control of their twins and will have to find a way to trap them and bring them back to the mirror.


Double Trouble and the Magical MirrorDouble Trouble and the Magical MirrorDouble Trouble and the Magical MirrorDouble Trouble and the Magical MirrorDouble Trouble and the Magical MirrorDouble Trouble and the Magical MirrorDouble Trouble and the Magical Mirror


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