
The King of Life

Król zycia (2015)

Режисер: Jerzy Zieliński

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.5/10


A comedy about Edward - a father, husband, and corporate employee weighed down by everyday struggles, who discovers the ultimate beauty in life, and becomes a free, happy man. He also shows that the most important things - love, happiness, friendship, and time spent with our loved ones - are free. The story of Edward is an unpretentious, positive film, which proves that happiness is contagious within 800 meters! The happiness is just round the corner.


The King of LifeThe King of LifeThe King of LifeThe King of LifeThe King of LifeThe King of Life


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