
Christmas Angel

Christmas Angel (2012)

Режисер: Brian Herzlinger

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.8/10


From grade school class oral reports on one's most improbable Christmas wish, student Olivia begins to notice a few coming true. She and friend Lucas believe it's the long-abandoned house next door to her that grants the wishes (if made while throwing a rock at it). Olivia soon meets a reclusive old woman living inside and, together, they begin reviewing the wishes left at the gate (in a wish box built in front to stop folks from damaging the property). As Olivia wishes a new husband for her single mom, the landlord of the abandoned house (a doctor) comes into their lives, but Olivia would rather her mom had the peppy new substitute teacher. Some things must be left in God's hands.


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