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Прегледано од hymie
понеделник, 22 март 2021 12:41
The Godfather is an epitome of perfection, it scores a perfect score in almost all the departments; be it direction, acting, music, screenplay, character development, cinematography etc. I just couldn't find a fault with it

With a blazing star-studded cast which includes Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan and Robert Duvall this film pierces right through you and makes a place for itself. Even days after you watch this movie you will find yourself, in your own private moments, speaking out those wonderful lines, trying to copy Vito Corleone or shape your voice like Michael Corleone. In its own mysterious ways the movie will sure remain with you.

The underrated performances come from Richard Castellano as the amazing character of Clemenza, Diane Keaton as Michael Corleone's wife Kay, and John Cazale as the flawed, broken Fredo.

It leaves you wanting more, not because there are questions that remain unanswered, but because this film feels so good that you never want to leave it, leave the streets of New York or the Godfather's mansion.

All in all, director Francis Ford Coppola has done a remarkable job that, in the least, deserves a standing ovation and an unanimous cheer of "Bravo!". This movie leaves you with an aftertaste of knowing that you have cherished watching an excellent movie. I believe that it is the best film ever made - certainly the best I've ever seen.
Ажурирано од hymie 22.3.2021
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