
Forever Young

Forever Young (2016)

Комедија | Италија
Режисер: Fausto Brizzi

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.8/10
Оценка на корисникот: 7/10


Interconnected stories of a group of adults who have troubles accepting aging and persist in acting as young people.


Forever Young


Прегледано од hymie
вторник, 1 февруари 2022 00:13
Those who were young in the eighties is now a parent and in some cases even a grandfather. Often you do not feel the age that they have and maybe not even show it, but the registry is clear. Fortunately, there are also those who are able to make fun of themselves, those who like to call themselves vintage, those who joke with the years that pass, with the flab that has incorporated the slender girl of the past or the baldness that has thinned the hair of the coolest boy in high school. But... (Повеќе)
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