
Secret Journey

Viaggio segreto (2006)

Драма | Италија, Франција
Режисер: Roberto Andò

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рејтинг: 5.9/10


Leonardo, a psychoanalyst, allowed himself to be totally absorbed in his work, probably to remove the painful ending of his childhood. He maintains a symbiotic relationship with his sister Ale who appears psychologically fragile. They live in the same building in Rome and enter each other's life with the same ease with which they enter their respective apartments. Ale is about to marry Harold, an artist who intends to give her, without her knowledge, the house in Sicily where she spent her childhood before moving to Rome permanently. Leonardo learns that the house has been put up for sale thanks to a letter received from a priest and undertakes a journey to the places of his childhood, which forces him, despite himself, to remember the tragic family event - witnessing together their mother's murder, which marked their lives. It is not the journey that is secret, although Leo does not inform Ale, but it is Leo who is the custodian of a harrowing secret, which he shares with his father and priest, while Ale has completely removed it.


Secret JourneySecret Journey


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