

Run (1991)

Акција, Драма, Трилер | САД, Канада
Режисер: Geoff Burrowes

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.2/10


While conveying a Porsche from Boston to Atlantic City, student Charlie has to make a stop due to engine trouble. Mistaken as rich, he's invited to a big poker game -- and wins big time. However Denny Halloran, son of a mighty mobster, is a bad loser and starts a fight. But he's also a bad fighter: he falls on his head and is dead. Now Charlie's in trouble; after he flees Halloran's father puts a reward on his head. Even the police won't help him against the mighty man - so Charlie has to run for his life.


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