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Прегледано од hymie
петок, 23 септември 2022 14:00
Assistant D.A. Kate MacIntyre (Nicole de Boer) was working the Vargano (Steve Bacic) case when two key men for the prosecution were killed by a sniper right in front of her. Terrified by the killings Kate quits her position to become a lecturer instead. But when her old boss, D.A. Frank Murphy (Andrew Moodie), asks for her help she agrees to work as a consultant alongside Frank and Greg Nealand (Peter Michael Dillon), his new assistant D.A. But Kate's return sees an increase in danger and with lives in peril Kate and Greg enter the witness protection program supervised by Det. Daniel Leaton (Scott Gibson), whilst working the case. The question is will she be as safe as she thinks as Vargano seems to have some one on the inside.

"Trust No One" is one of those movies which whilst technically a thriller, thanks to the danger and mystery as to who the rat is, isn't overly thrilling. There is the mystery as to who it is working for Vargano making sure Kate finds no evidence. Kate finds herself in lock down in a house packed with surveillance but no internet and no communication with the outside world. You know the minute she ends up there that some thing dramatic is going to happen with Kate fighting for her life.

Scene after scene where they try to create tension by having the characters deliver their dialogue in a slow manner ends up making it a bit too pedestrian. And sadly even the likeable nature of Nicole de Boer doesn't lift the film higher than it should because her character is simply routine.

What this all boils down to is that "Trust No One" is just a good, but not thrilling, movie which ends up working its way to some inevitable drama with a simple guessing game when it comes to who the bad guy is.
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