
The Carriers

The Surrogate (2013)

Режисер: Doug Campbell

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 4.6/10


Childless Los Angeles realtor Allison Kelly can no longer have children, she having frozen some embryos upon that diagnosis. With only one viable embryo among those left, she and her college professor/novelist husband Jacob Kelly have decided to try surrogacy to have that child. Despite going to a surrogacy agency, they eventually decide upon "a friend", Kate Randall, as their surrogate, she a young woman who recently started working in a support staff function in Jacob's English department at the college. What Jacob and Allison are unaware of is that Kate maneuvered her way into being their surrogate, she doing whatever necessary behind the scenes to get the job and she who has long been obsessed with Jacob. Her ultimate goal is to be with Jacob as a couple, the unborn child solely a pawn. As such, she sets in motion a plan which includes forming a rift between Allison and Jacob, with Jacob turning to her for support. What Kate does not account on is that a man named Matt is looking ...


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