

Botched (2007)

Комедија, Криминал, Xорор, Трилер, Mистерија | Германија, Ирска, Обединетото Кралство, САД
Режисер: Kit Ryan

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.8/10


Ritchie Donovan is a professional thief whose luck has just run out. The only survivor from a heist that goes terribly wrong, Ritchie is forced to take the rap and is sent to Russia to steal a priceless antique cross locked in a safe on the penthouse floor of a Moscow skyscraper. Things start badly and go rapidly downhill when, during the robbery, Ritchie and his Russian accomplices are forced to take hostages because they are trapped by the police on the unused 13th floor.


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