

Titanic (1953)

Режисер: Jean Negulesco

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рејтинг: 7.0/10


Unhappily married and uncomfortable with life among the British upper crust, Julia Sturges takes her two children and boards the Titanic for America. Her husband Richard also arranges passage on the doomed luxury liner in order to let him have custody of their two children. Their problems soon seem minor when the ship hits an iceberg.
An aristocratic woman flees her loveless marriage, taking her children with her and boarding the supposedly unsinkable ship as it embarks on its ill-fated maiden voyage. She is unaware her husband has followed her on board in an attempt to stop her leaving - but the pair's marital difficulties are soon overshadowed by the impending disaster. Drama, starring Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Wagner, Richard Basehart and Thelma Ritter.




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