
Traffic Department

Drogówka (2012)

Режисер: Wojciech Smarzowski

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.3/10
Оценка на корисникот: 5.3/10
(3 гласови)


Seven friends, officers of the Traffic Police Department in Warsaw lead seemingly fulfilled lives. They work together, party together, together they play jokes, cut small deals and sport fast cars. Their small world gets rocked when one of them is found murdered. Seargent Król becomes a chief suspect in the case. He manages to escape arrest and as a fugitive tries to prove his innocence. Slowly he begins to uncover a corruption scheme which points towards high circles of authority in police and politics.


Traffic DepartmentTraffic DepartmentTraffic DepartmentTraffic DepartmentTraffic DepartmentTraffic DepartmentTraffic DepartmentTraffic DepartmentTraffic Department


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