Прегледи: Претседателскиот авион

Прегледано од hymie
вторник, 15 јуни 2021 01:59
Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, and Glenn Close are the main stars in director Wolfgang Petersen's action thriller 'Air Force One', a film about the scenario of the famous presidential jet being taken over by a group of terrorists.

The terrorists, led by Ivan Korshunov (Oldman) want one thing, the release of one of their comrades named General Redek. However, little do they know the President is a very intelligent and lethal man, and the film becomes a cat and mouse game onboard the air liner between the terrorists and the president.

The suspense works out well; there are some good moments of surprise and plenty of great action sequences. The film keeps its momentum and pace going and Harrison Ford is enjoyable in the role of the tough- as- nails president, but it's not particularly anything new for the actor. Gary Oldman is spectacular as the cold blooded terrorist. He is very commanding and daunting in the role. Close also plays her role well, making the character live. Also worth nothing are the performances by William H. Macy and Paul Guilfoyle. The script has some nice lines to it, and some strongly written scenes of action, though there are still notable clichés. Petersen's direction is almost furious in style as he tries not let the film fall apart, and in some way he succeeds.

All in all, 'Air Force One' is excitingly tense and worth watching. Lots of dramatic moments and very entertaining.
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