рејтинг: 6.8/10
Оценка на корисникот: 10/10
(2 гласови)


Desmond Jordan is an archaeologist who found an old parchment in which, the history of the Talking Mountain that is guarded by the guardian of an ancient and sought-after treasure hidden somewhere in the Sahara desert, was mentioned. After Desmond saves Anthea, a mysterious woman warrior, the two are hunted down by evil Lieutenant Ryker and his deserter legionaries, as well as El Hallem - a dangerous and infamous bandit of the desert, and the Khalif of Timbuktu who also wants the treasure of the mountain for himself. While Khalif orders his guards to find and capture Jordan, Philip, Jordan's son, travels from London to Morocco looking for his father who is in search of the location of the Talking Mountain, attracted by the mystery that it hides.


Тајне Сахаре

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