
The king decides that had daughter Snow With, whose mother died in childbirth, being old enough to marry an already chose, prince, it's time for him to remarry himself, but his evil bride stop at nothing to eliminate her stepdaughter as 'beauty rival' and cut every tie other with the late queen. She mounts he throne after the softy king died at the news that Snow White was devoured by a wild beast. In fact she threatened the royal huntsman to bring her heart as proof of murder of her command, but instead he shot a dear and left the princess in the forest, where she found the messy home of the seven miner dwarfs and became their bossy housekeeper. Informed by her magic mirror the princess lives beyond the mountain, she incarcerated the huntsman and repeatedly passes trough in disguise to offer magical death sentences, which are accepted naively, but each time she's saved by the dwarfs, the last time mostly the prince who came looking for his bride, having been incognito at court as huntsman's inconspicuous assistant.




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