
Area Paradiso

Area Paradiso (2012)

Комедија | Италија

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.0/10


The film follows the fortunes of a small roadside restaurants called OvoOil, located on the Tuscan hills (Pisa-Livorno), between Cecina and Collesalvetti, and a group of people which together manage this small business. The peaceful routines of the community that revolves around the grill is turned upside down by a registered letter of the Directorate General of Ovo company, which owns the building: because of the economic and reduced transit on that stretch of road, the Ovo might have to close the grill. Not far away, in fact, there is another grill of the same company, and this very closeness has made one of the two stations, redundant. To decide which of the two stations close, the Ovo decreed that there will be a competition between the two competitors: the end of an evaluation period, the grill that will have more product sales and will present the best quality of service will remain open, while the other will have to close. The two grill damage immediately start a war for ...


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