
Lost Images: The Other Eye of Juan Pinzás

Las imágenes perdidas, la otra mirada de Juan Pinzás (2010)

Документарец | Шпанија
Режисер: Juan Pinzás

рејтинг: 7.0/10


The filmmaker Juan Pinzás goes on a physical and also inner journey, in search of some lost images that he filmed in the 80s. The journey takes him from Madrid to Galicia and on the search for these images he meets with various characters who will help him in his undertaking, such as the actors Paul Naschy and Javier Gurruchaga whose personal worlds will be examined in the film. Finally in Vigo, his home city, of which he presents a remarkable portrait, he finds an old film in Super-8mm with the missing images. The catharsis is produced with the viewing of the old film which turns out to be a tribute to cinema and this means the end of the filmmaker's introspective journey.


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