

Player (2013)

Комедија | Данска
Режисер: Tomas Villum Jensen

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 4.7/10


Most people would see it as a bonus to be sent a few days to the Côte d'Azur to solve a smaller routine case, but for the righteous, extremely self-controlled and dull lawyer Michael Helge it is more like a punishment. Sun, sand, and sea are not things that appear on his top ten list. The case is supposedly just a simple divorce, but as soon as Michael Helge sets feet on French soil, everything goes wrong. He gets hustled for 10 million kroner of the company's money, and suddenly the future looks less bright. Fortunately, he meets his old friend, the frivolous gambler Theo, and together they plan how to get all the money back in a true James Bond style...


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