

LoveShhuda (2016)

Режисер: Vaibhav Misra

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 4.7/10


For Gaurav Mehra and Pooja Misra, it could well have been a one-night stand which was a moment to remember, only to be erased over a period of time. However, when there is a lot more to it with dancing, talking and making merry accompanied by drinking, partying and making love, a connect is bound to be formed. A connect, which is subconscious, only to be realized when destiny has its own games to play! They are happy and content as individuals. But together they are happier, more at peace. They believe that they have already found love in respective lives. Together, they realize that this intense love they have for each other is something very different. Gaurav and Pooja may not be hunting for love as they truly feel that they have it all. But can one truly ignore the signs of something special that bonds the two together?


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