
Manolito Four Eyes: The Mischievous Holidays

Manolito Gafotas en ¡Mola ser jefe! (2001)

Комедија, Семеен | Шпанија
Режисер: Joan Potau

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рејтинг: 3.6/10


This is a hilarious look at contemporary Madrid from the point of view of ten year old Manolito. Witty, funny and moving, the film has crossed-over from Spain to become a classic family entertainment.On this particular occasion, Manolito is in the middle of Chrismas break and ready to celebrate the holidays with his nutty family: his mother, Cata, his father, Manolo, Grandpa and Imbecile. This year holds a big surprise: Uncle Nico, his mother's brother who lives an works in Oslo as a waiter. Uncle Nico shows up in an unbelieveable motor home to spend Christmas Eve with the family.
He is accompanied by his flashy Norwegian fiancée, Trudi Bergenkoklass, who is something like part fairy, part Viking and part Pippi Long Stocking. This lady immediately catches Manolito's eye.


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