
The Sacred Triangle: Bowie, Iggy & Lou 1971-1973

The Sacred Triangle: Bowie, Iggy & Lou 1971-1973 (2010)

Mузика, Документарец | Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Alec Lindsell

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рејтинг: 7.1/10


The Sacred Triangle enlightens us on how one of the most influential pop stars of the previous century, Ziggy Stardust, was born. This is the same question Velvet Goldmine, a great film by Todd Haynes, once tried to answer. Progressing like a detective story, The Sacred Triangle investigates the influence Lou Reed and Iggy Pop had to David Bowie’s (then on the verge of a breakthrough) music and stage persona. The section on the Velvet Underground alone is enough of a reason to watch this movie.


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