
All Souls Day: Dia de los Muertos

All Souls Day: Dia de los Muertos (2005)

Режисер: Jeremy Kasten

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 3.7/10


During a Day of the Dead celebration, the dead come to life to prey upon the living. In the remote Mexican village of Santa Bonita, a nightmare lay buried for over a century. But when a group of hard-partying students from the OC are stranded in this strange town, they discover an innkeeper with a dark secret (Laura Harring of Mulholland Drive) a sheriff with a shocking past (David Keith of Firestarter) and a holiday that demands the most horrific sacrifice of all. Now the ceremony can commence. The hordes of the undead have been unleashed. And on this day, an unstoppable feast of human flesh has begun!


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