
Killer Competition

Killer Competition (2020)

Трилер | САД
Режисер: Andrew Lawrence

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.1/10


By her friend Sarah's suggestion, high school senior Nicole manipulates test scores to become valedictorian. Soon after, a student is murdered and things get worse with a series of mysterious attacks against other top-ranked students. Nicole becomes the prime suspect and must find the truth before she's wrongly arrested, or killed by the real murderer.


Killer CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller CompetitionKiller Competition


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