
My Wife's Secret Life

My Wife's Secret Life (2019)

Трилер | Канада
Режисер: Jason Bourque

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рејтинг: 5.3/10


While they still love each other, Laurel and James Briggs, parents to adolescents Josh and Daniela Briggs, are having troubles in their marriage. Although coming out of marriage counseling Laurel says she forgives James for his one time only marital indiscretion, she sometimes cannot help but hold it against him in feeling the way she feels. Resentment has also crept in on both sides, James often accusing Laurel of placing her career ahead of family, while both deal with the marital stress in conflicting ways. It is right after one of her and James' arguments about one of those conflict areas that Laurel, out of town on a two day conference, falls prey to the flirtations of another conference attendee, Kent Anderson, in having a sexual liaison with him, which she regrets immediately after the fact. Despite Laurel telling Kent in no uncertain terms that their liaison was a one-nighter, he begins to pursue her openly, at least openly to her with implied threats to expose their tryst to everyone in her day-to-day life. What Laurel doesn't know is that Kent has a more sinister ulterior motive in his pursuit than just wanting to be with her, that motive which not only jeopardizes her and James' marriage, but places her and her family's lives in danger, that family not only including James and the kids, but her sister Angela as well.


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