

Macbeth (2010)

Драма | Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Rupert Goold

рејтинг: 7.5/10


The Thane of Glamis is relocated to a militaristic society not unlike Stalinist Russia in Matthew Goold's full-blooded take on Shakespeare's tragedy. A hit in both the West End and on Broadway, the play's central themes of regicide and the quest for power work just as well on the small screen, especially when it comes to the impressively staged sequences in which Macbeth enforces his dictatorship through brutal purges. Patrick Stewart is hypnotic as the eponymous battlefield veteran who finds his initial doubt giving way to ambition and ultimately tyranny. The scene in which he casually prepares a sandwich while ordering soldiers to kill on his behalf is particularly memorable, as is his look of sheer devastation when visited by Banquo's ghost. But it's the inventiveness of the staging that lingers longest in the memory, from the three witches transformed into hideous nurses extracting viscera from corpses, to the slaughterhouse feel of the tiled interiors that double for hospital, kitchen and morgue. Radio Times reviewer - David Brown


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