
Kepler's Dream

Kepler's Dream (2016)

Драма, Семеен, Bестерни, Авантура, Mистерија | САД, Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Amy Glazer

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.2/10


An 11 year-old girl searches for a missing rare book from her grandmother's (Holland Taylor) library and tries to understand why her family is fractured the way it is during a memorable summer at an isolated New Mexico adobe. While her mother (Kelly Lynch), like astronaut Michael Collins, goes to the dark side of the moon for a leukemia treatment, Ella must journey on her own to the strange moon of her grandmother's world. Ella's father, (Sean Patrick Flanery) orbits his daughter, as Ella befriends Miguel and Rosie to find acceptance of her mother's fate. Emotional connections are reshaped, and the music of Patrick Neil Doyle helps tell this unusual story. In an era when many actresses are speaking about the dearth of women in various production roles, behind the scenes of this family film were many women - the director, the DoP, the Editor, the PPS, and 3 of the 4 credited screenwriters. This was the result of finding the best people for the project. Additionally, there was a great range of roles for women of all ages in Kepler's Dream.


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