
Angelina Ballerina: The Silver Locket

Angelina Ballerina: The Silver Locket (2007)

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рејтинг: 7.4/10


THE SILVER LOCKET: Angelina Mouseling (Finty Williams) borrows her mother's precious silver locket without permission and is devastated when she loses it. When Angelina must confess to her parents, an unlikely person comes to her rescue. SHOW & TELL: Angelina taker her baby sister, Polly, to "Show and Tell Day" at school. When Polly wanders off, Angelina searches for her everywhere. Will a distraught Angelina find Polly? THE PROPOSAL: Angelina doesn't believe Mr. Operatski (Sir Derek Jacobi) is a worthy suitor of Miss Lilly and sets out to prove it. Angelina discovers, however, that a proposal by Mr. Operatski is not the kind she had in mind. HEADS AND TAILS: Why is the new statue of Queen Seraphina missing its head? Will Angelina and her friends be able to create a new statue in time for the unveiling ceremony? And will the statue please the Queen?


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