
Перрy Масон: Случај омражене колумнистице

Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Fashion (1991)

Режисер: Christian I. Nyby II

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рејтинг: 7.2/10


Dyan Draper, editor of a well-known fashion magazine, is infamous for writing columns that destroy other people's careers; she also drives her employees to near-madness with her orders. Lauren Jeffreys, editor of another magazine, meets with Dyan and tries unsuccessfully to stop Dyan from writing about her in her next column. She tries again at Dyan's place, but Dyan is next seen dead on the floor. Lauren is the prime suspect, but as she's friends with Della and Perry, Perry takes the defense. Lauren gave birth at 16 and the child grew up to be Julia Collier, Dyan's private assistant, and Lauren and Julia try to reunite. Meanwhile, Ken comes up against Albert Nardone, infamous crime mobster and little-known fashion designer, as Nardone's nephew gets killed by Dyan's killer and unwillingly has one of Nardone's hoods "assist" him in searching for the killer..


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