
Брзинско венчање

A Gasoline Wedding (1918)

Режисер: Alfred J. Goulding

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.4/10


A wealthy man is hosting a garden party for all his pretty daughter's suitors, he who is hoping to choose the man that will be her betrothed. The leading candidate is Angus McCheapskate, who the girl believes is a neanderthal with a bankroll. Harold, a poor young man, is able to crash the party, he and the girl who end up falling for each other. As such, he is who she wants to marry against her father's wishes. The girl takes steps to ensure she and Harold get married, which also entails eluding her father's choice of Angus as her husband. She is able to use something that her father has arranged to work in her and Harold's favor, although their trip to the altar may be in jeopardy by his broken down jalopy.


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