

Graziella (2015)

Драма | Франција
Режисер: Mehdi Charef

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.5/10


A soulful examination of two defeated middle-aged characters who aren't sure that life holds the possibility of a second act. As prisoners who form a connection while employed together on work-release, the two actors are beautifully matched, neither needing much dialogue to explain their cautious determination to reconnect with a world that abandoned them. Their art house pedigree should draw attention to a film that merits theatrical exposure beyond the fest circuit. Graziella (Rossy De Palma) is nearing the end of the term she's serving for killing her father. She goes to work as one of three caretakers at a deserted boarding school, where she meets Antoine (Denis Levant) a projectionist before jail, and is told, with no explanation, "Be careful of him - he's like you." The two bond deeply in a way we understand to be romantic despite the fact that well over halfway through the film, we haven't seen them kiss.


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