Walter Brennan


Држава: United States

Пол: M

Роденден: 1894-07-25

Умре: 1974-09-21

In many ways the most successful and familiar character actor of American sound films and the only actor to date to win three Oscars for Best Supporting Actor, Walter Brennan attended college in Cambridge, Massachusetts, studying engineering. While in school he became interested in acting and performed in school plays. He worked some in vaudeville and also in various jobs such as clerking in a bank and as a lumberjack. He toured in small musical comedy companies before entering the military in 1917. After his war service he went to Guatemala and raised pineapples, then migrated to Los Angeles, where he speculated in real estate. A few jobs as a film extra came his way beginning in 1923, then some work as a stuntman. He eventually achieved speaking roles, going from bit parts to substantial supporting parts in scores of features and short subjects between 1927 and 1938. In 1936 his role in Come and Get It (1936) won him the very first Best Supporting Actor Academy Award. He would win it twice more in the decade, and be nominated for a fourth. His range was enormous. He could play sophisticated businessmen, con artists, local yokels, cowhands and military officers with apparent equal ease. An accident in 1932 cost him most of his teeth, and he most often was seen in eccentric rural parts, often playing characters much older than his actual age. His career never really declined, and in the 1950s he became an even more endearing and familiar figure in several television series, most famously The Real McCoys (1957). He died in 1974 of emphysema, a beloved figure in movies and TV, the target of countless comic impressionists, and one of the best and most prolific actors of his time.


  1. 1. King of Jazz (1930), филм
    Desk Sergeant ('Springtime') / Soldier ('All Noisy
  2. ...
  3. ...
    Sheriff Lew Collins
  4. 4. Two-Fisted Law (1932), филм
    Deputy Sheriff Bendix
  5. ...
    Bicycle Owner
  6. ...
    Neighbor with Ax
  7. ...
    Old Atrocity
  8. ...
    (scenes deleted)
  9. 9. Бијес (1936), филм
    'Bugs' Meyers
  10. 10. Come and Get It (1936), филм
  11. ...
    Muff Potter
  12. 12. Гусар (1938), филм
    Ezra Peavey
  13. ...
  14. ...
    'Hunk' Marriner
  15. ...
    Judge Roy Bean
  16. ...
    The 'Colonel'
  17. ...
    Pastor Rosier Pile
  18. ...
    Prof. Stephen Novotny
  19. ...
  20. ...
  21. 24. Дакота (1945), филм
    Captain Bounce
  22. ...
    Old Man Clanton
  23. ...
    Eben Folger
  24. ...
    Nadine Groot
  25. ...
    Kris Barden
  26. ...
    Brimstone 'Pop' Courteen
  27. 30. Task Force (1949), филм
    Pete Richard
  28. ...
    Terence Sweeny
  29. 32. Singing Guns (1950), филм
    Dr. Jonathan Mark
  30. ...
    'Doc' Butcher
  31. ...
    Timothy 'Pop' Keith
  32. ...
    Jim Harper
  33. ...
    Grandpa Firth Crockett
  34. ...
    Sam Brannon
  35. ...
    Ben Tatum
  36. ...
    Simon Bhumer
  37. ...
    Doc Velie
  38. ...
    Doc Lacy
  39. ...
  40. ...
    Uncle Jesse Jackson
  41. ...
    Grandpa Bower
  42. 45. The Real McCoys (1957), серија
    Grandpa Amos McCoy
  43. ...
  44. ...
    Col. Jeb Hawkins
  45. 48. Those Calloways (1965), филм
    Alf Simes
  46. ...
    D.J. Mulrooney / Knobby
  47. ...
    Grandpa Bower
  48. ...
    Pa Danby
  49. ...
    Nash Crawford
  50. ...
    Nash Crawford

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