Rudolf Klein-Rogge


Photo: Creative Commons CC0

Држава: Germany

Пол: M

Роденден: 1885-11-24

Умре: 1955-05-29

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Friedrich Rudolf Klein-Rogge (24 November 1885 – 29 May 1955) was a German film actor. Klein-Rogge is known for playing sinister figures in films in the 1920s and 1930s as well as being a mainstay in director Fritz Lang's Weimar-era films. He is probably best known in popular culture, particularly to English-speaking audiences, for playing the archetypal mad scientist role of C. A. Rotwang in Lang's Metropolis and as the criminal genius Doctor Mabuse.


  1. ...
    Ein Verbrecher
  2. ...
    Georgs Vetter Wil Brand
  3. ...
    Derwisch / Girolamo
  4. ...
    Dr. Mabuse
  5. ...
    King Etzel
  6. ...
    King Etzel
  7. ...
    Erfinder C.A. Rotwang / The Inventor
  8. ...
    Docteur Mabuse
  9. ...
    Self (archive footage)

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