Sam De Grasse


Држава: Canada

Пол: M

Роденден: 1875-06-12

Умре: 1953-11-29

From Wikipedia Sam De Grasse (June 12, 1875 – November 29, 1953) was a Canadian actor. He traveled to New York City and in 1912 appeared in his first motion picture. At first he played standard secondary characters, but when fellow Canadian Mary Pickford set up her own studio with her husband Douglas Fairbanks, he joined them. He portrayed the villainous Prince John in Fairbanks' 1922 Robin Hood. Afterward, he began to specialize in villainous roles. De Grasse was the uncle of successful cinematographer Robert De Grasse.


  1. ...
    Senator Charles Sumner
  2. ...
    Arthur Jenkins
  3. ...
    Prince John
  4. ...
  5. ...
    King James II
  6. 6. The Racket (1928), филм
    District Attorney Welch

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