Ron Clements

Роденден: 1953


  1. 3. Аладин (1992), филм
  2. 4. Херкул (1997), филм
  3. ...
    (animated film director)


  1. ...
    (additional story contributions)
  2. ...
    (story adapted by)
  3. 4. Аладин (1992), филм
    (screenplay by)
  4. ...
    (based on the film by) (uncredited)
  5. ...
    (based on the characters from "Aladdin" created by
  6. 7. Аладин (1994), серија
    (characters) (uncredited)
  7. ...
    (based on the characters from
  8. 9. Херкул (1997), филм
    (animation screenplay by)
  9. ...
    (based on the characters created by) (uncredited)
  10. ...
    (based on the characters created by) (uncredited)
  11. ...
    (screenplay by)
  12. ...
    (based on the characters created by) (uncredited)
  13. ...
    (story by)
  14. ...
    (story by)
  15. ...
    (animated film written by)
  16. ...
    (based on Disney's "The Little Mermaid" animation


  1. 1. Аладин (1992), филм
  2. 2. Херкул (1997), филм


  1. ...

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