Eric Ladin

Пол: M

Роденден: 1978-02-16

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Eric Ladin (February 16, 1978) is an American actor who has guest-starred on multiple episodes of the AMC show Mad Men and the HBO miniseries Generation Kill as Corporal James Chaffin. He also appeared in the movies Toolbox Murders, Cursed, Left in Darkness. He is also the voice of the character Ellis in the cooperative first-person shooter game Left 4 Dead 2. It has also been confirmed that he will be the voice of Cole MacGrath in the upcoming video game Infamous 2. In 2011 he is starring on AMC's The Killing in the role of Jamie Wright.


  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. 3. Убиство (2011), серија
    Jamie Wright
  4. ...
  5. 5. Анабела (2014), филм
    Detective Clarkin
  6. ...
    'Squirrel' / Case
  7. 7. Бош (2014), серија
    Scott Anderson
  8. 8. На работ (2015), серија
    Glenn Taylor
  9. ...
    Robert Sites
  10. ...
    Detective Clarkin
  11. 11. Rebirth (2016), филм
  12. 12. Shooter (2016), серија
    Red Bama Jr.
  13. 13. Шест (2017), серија
  14. 14. Painter (2020), филм
    Aldis Browne
  15. 15. The Right Stuff (2020), серија
  16. ...
    Eric Chastain


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  1. 1. Сомови (2012), серија

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