Pablo Schreiber

Држава: Canada

Пол: M

Роденден: 1978-04-26

Pablo Tell Schreiber (born April 26, 1978) is a Canadian actor known for his dramatic stage work and for his portrayal of Nick Sobotka on The Wire and for his Emmy nominated role of George Mendez on Orange Is the New Black. He was nominated for a Tony Award for his performance in Awake and Sing! on Broadway. He also narrated the American Psycho audiobook. He also starred in the HBO series The Brink as Lieutenant Commander Zeke “Z-Pak” Tilson, a Naval pilot who is also a drug dealer, and played a leading role in the Michael Bay film 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016). He also played William Lewis on Law and Order Special Victims Unit.


  1. ...
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  3. 3. Obojena kuća (2003), филм
    Hank Spruill
  4. ...
    Eddie Ingram
  5. ...
  6. ...
    Sandy Manetti
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  8. ...
    Charlie Torrelson
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  10. 10. Favorite Son (2008), филм
  11. ...
    Bernard Cochius
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  13. 13. Lights Out (2011), серија
  14. ...
    Lieutenant Alec Chambers
  15. ...
    Luke Aaronson
  16. ...
    Covert Becker
  17. ...
    Staff Sergeant Donovan
  18. 18. Preservation (2014), филм
    Sean Neary
  19. 19. Preservation (2014), филм
  20. ...
    Bryan Macy
  21. 21. На работ (2015), серија
    Zeke Tilson
  22. ...
    Kris 'Tanto' Paronto
  23. ...
    Conrad (Older)
  24. ...
    Wyatt Rivers
  25. 25. Big Bear (2017), филм
  26. ...
    Mad Sweeney
  27. ...
    Ray Merrimen
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  29. ...
    James Lovell
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  32. 32. Лорелај (2020), филм
  33. ...
    Neal Loguidice
  34. 34. Traces (2021), филм
    Damien Shea
  35. ...
    Dr. Labarthe
  36. 36. Хало (2022), серија
    Master Chief
  37. 37. Кенди (2022), серија
    Allan Gore


  1. 1. Лорелај (2020), филм
    executive producer

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