Jeannie Berlin


Држава: United States

Пол: F

Роденден: 1949-11-01

Jeannie Berlin (born Jeannie Brette May; November 1, 1949) is an American actress and screenwriter. She is best known for her role in the 1972 film The Heartbreak Kid, directed by her mother Elaine May, for which she received Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations. She later played the leading role in Sheila Levine Is Dead and Living in New York (1975), and in 2000s returned to screen appearing in films such as Margaret (2011), Inherent Vice (2014) and Cafe Society (2016), as well as the miniseries The Night Of (2016).


  1. ...
    Judy Kramer
  2. 2. Jagode i krv (1970), филм
    Girl with Clipboard
  3. 3. Why (1972), филм
  4. ...
  5. ...
    Mrs. Korokowski
  6. ...
    Aunt Reet
  7. ...
  8. 8. По една ноќ (2016), серија
    District Attorney Helen Weiss
  9. 9. Следоред (2018), серија
    Cyd Peach
  10. 10. The First (2018), серија
    The President
  11. 11. Faraway Eyes (2020), филм
  12. ...
    Hadassah Fabelman
  13. ...

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