Katherine Willis


Пол: F

Роденден: 1971-05-02

Born on the South Pacific island of Tonga. Moved to the United States when she was three. Began acting career in college at Brigham Young University where she was a Theater Major. She settled in Austin, Texas in 1994 where most of her studio film and television credits are from including: Friday Night Lights (movie and TV series), Sin City, Infamous, The Ringer, etc. Currently starring in the Nicholas Sparks' Civil War drama "Deliverance Creek".


  1. 1. Little Heroes (1991), филм
    Rachel Wilson
  2. ...
    Booster Wife
  3. ...
    Ruth Roberts
  4. ...
  5. 5. Игра лажи (2011), серија
    Nancy Rogers
  6. ...
  7. ...
    Cordelia Crawford
  8. ...
  9. 9. Mercury Plains (2016), филм
    Mitch's Mom
  10. 10. Tell Me Your Secrets (2021), серија
    Diana Lord

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