Herbert Smith


Роденден: 1901

Умре: 1986


  1. 1. Night Mail (1935), филм


  1. 1. Night Mail (1935), филм
  2. ...
    producer in charge of production (uncredited)
  3. ...
    executive producer in charge of production (uncred
  4. ...
    executive producer in charge of production (uncred
  5. 5. Mr. Emmanuel (1944), филм
    associate producer
  6. ...
    executive in charge of production
  7. ...
    executive producer (uncredited)
  8. ...
    associate producer
  9. ...
    executive producer in charge of production (uncred
  10. 10. Хамлет (1948), филм
    executive producer in charge of production (uncred
  11. 11. The Weaker Sex (1948), филм
    executive producer (uncredited)
  12. 12. Woman Hater (1948), филм
    executive producer (uncredited)
  13. 13. Adam and Evalyn (1949), филм
    executive producer (uncredited)
  14. ...
    executive producer in charge of production (uncred

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