Roald Dahl


Роденден: 1916

Умре: 1990


  1. 1. Fool's Mate (1956), филм
    (story) (uncredited)
  2. 2. 36 Hours (1964), филм
  3. 3. Jackanory (1965), серија
    (based on the book by)
  4. ...
    (screenplay by)
  5. ...
    (screenplay by)
  6. ...
    (screenplay by)
  7. ...
    (short story
  8. ...
  9. ...
    (based on the book by)
  10. 10. Матилда (1996), филм
  11. ...
    (based on the book by)
  12. 12. Imagine (2003), серија
    (quotations) (uncredited)
  13. ...
  14. ...
    (based on the book by)
  15. 15. Chippendale (2012), филм
  16. 16. Cheap Thrills (2013), филм
    (short story "Man from the South") (uncredited)
  17. ...
    (based on the novel by)
  18. ...
    (based on the book by)
  19. 21. Revolting Rhymes (2016), серија
    (based on the book by)
  20. ...
  21. ...
    (based on the book by)
  22. ...
    (based on the book by)
  23. ...
    (based on 'The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar' by)
  24. ...
    (from the short story by)
  25. 27. Отров (2023), филм
    (from the short story by)
  26. 28. Вонка (2023), филм
    (characters created by)
  27. 29. The Swan (2023), филм
    (based on 'The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar' by)

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