Kenji Ohba


Држава: Japan

Пол: M

Роденден: 1955-02-05

Kenji Takahashi, known professionally as Kenji Ohba is a prolific Japanese actor and former stuntman best known for his roles in the Super Sentai and Metal Heroes series, especially as Retsu Ichijouji / Gavan in the 1982 TV series Space Sheriff Gavan. He is the president of his own action/stunt troupe called "Luck JET" ("JET" being an acronym for "Jaunty Eventful Troupe"). [Wikipedia]


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    (as Kenji Ohba)
  2. ...
    Inukai Genpachi Nobufuchi
  3. ...
    Bald Guy (Sushi Shop)
  4. ...
    Bald Guy

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